Saturday, January 7, 2012

List Maker

I was reading someone elses blog this morning and they were talking about how they make lists and become overwhelmed.  I'm definitely a list maker, I make lists for everything.  Its the only way I get anything done and it gives me a sense of accomplishment to see things marked off my list.  I make lists for everything from cleaning the house, shopping lists, homework lists...if I can put it on a list I make

So I was thinking maybe thats why Weight Watchers is working so well for me because in a way its just another list I'm having to keep track of with my food journal.  Now if I could just get myself to make an exercise list and stick to

My question to all of you is do you make lists?  I'm thinking maybe this is a personality trait of overweight people.  Not necessarily the making lists part but overthinking things, I know that I overthink everything.  Just wondering what your thoughts are on this.


  1. Definite list-maker here. I keep a little spiral notebook on my desk (or in my purse) at all times. I am totally lost without The List. :-)

  2. CathyB me to, I'm lost without my lists.

  3. I have to have lists or I forget things, if its things I gotta do or get at the store I write it down. My eating I track on and also track my work outs on there too. So yes I'm a list type of woman or I'd go crazy LOL

  4. Sarah I would go crazy to if I didn't have my lists to depend on. I keep a dry erase board up in my room and when I think of something that needs to be done I write it on the board. It keeps me inspired to get things done.

  5. I'm absolutely a list-maker! My son and I both have ADD, and the list helps keep us both on track. We keep our morning, afternoon, and evening routines on the fridge in sheet protectors so we can mark things off :) I do better with my health when I'm following my routines big time!

  6. Thanks for your comment Mrs. D, I do think it helps alot to make lists, I know I will be driving down the road and think of something I need to do and by the time I get home I have forgotten what it is so I carry a notebook with me everywheres so I can jot things down. It also keeps me on track with my eating to have a routine and stick to it. I wish u the best of luck in your weight loss.
