Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Game Plan for Tomorrow

Here is my game plan for tomorrow as far as my eating.  Took me awhile to figure out what foods to put with what since I'm starting the new eating plan tomorrow but I think I got it.  I figured if I went ahead and listed it here then I would stick to it.  Its alot of food really and that kind of scares me but its all healthy.  Here's whats on the menu:

Breakfast- Steelcut Oats with flax seed and honey
                 1 cup skim milk

Snack- 12 almonds
            1 banana

Lunch- spring mix topped with 4 oz roasted chicken breast, cucumber
            and tomato

Snack- 1 slice whole wheat bread, toasted and topped with almond
            1 cup greek yogurt

Dinner- 1 tilapia filet
             Steamed broccoli
             Roasted Yellow squash

Also I have to drink at least 8 cups of water.


  1. That is a GREAT plan. Dinner sounds delicious!

  2. The plan sounds solid! I'm right there with you, having to get back on track. Your menu looks really tasty and filling, and that should help you stick with it too. Stay strong!

  3. Thanks Blubeari and Charlotte. It was tasty and filling and easy to stick to.
