Monday, November 15, 2010

How I improved my mood.

Today started off ok but as the day went on I got more and more depressed.  I've never been diagnosed with Seasonal affective disorder but I know how I feel on days like this.  When the sky is gloomy looking and there is rain in the forecast I'm just miserable.  I want and need my sunshine.  On my drive home from school I just felt like coming home and curling up in a ball and crying.  When I got home I layed around for alittle while, getting nothing done and then a friend suggested that I go for my walk.  I got ready and headed out and decided to see how much I've improved with my jogging.  The first lap was wonderful but I forgot to time how long I could run so on my second lap I timed myself.  Amazingly I could run 5 minutes straight and that was including one hill.  I have come so far and when I jog my energy level goes through the roof.  I only did 2 laps because I've been having a pain running down the side of my leg today so I didn't want to push myself to hard.  After I finished my walk/jog I got dinner started and cleaned my house, things I could have never done in the mood I was in.  Exercise truly can improve your mood.

For those of you that suffer with depression what do you do to change your mood?  I am on an antidepressant but I think I need to talk to my doctor about increasing the dose at least during the winter months.  I'm also going to talk to my doctor about light therapy because my mood changes so drastically based on the weather.  I just need to remember that when I'm feeling bad exercise can be a natural mood booster.


  1. Great job! Yes, exercise raises levels of serotonin and improves depression. So does sleeping regular hours. I think talking to your doctor is a good idea. I have a lot of patients that we increase during this time of year. Hang in there!

  2. We take all kinds of crazy-pills in our My husband ups his meds in the winter because of SAD and I am on and off anxiety meds - the one thing that has helped the both of us is light therapy. We bought one that comes on about 1/2 hour before we get up in the AM and it makes such a difference in our energy level, especially. I think that, combined with meds is a good thing. Hope you find what works for you. Hang in there :)

  3. Hi there. I am not on any meds but I did a post a few weeks back about how shocked I was in my mood change after going for a run. It was all I could do to get myself out there but it seems to do the trick when I am having a cranky day. Hang in there.


  4. I have been diagnosed with SAD and have recently started taking Vitamin D (5000 IU) and I feel great now. Normally at 5:00 PM I want to go home and go to bed after the time change. I am feeling really good here at 7:30 PM. You might try it.

  5. First off, *HUGS* to you. I guess I'm the opposite because I love rainy, dark days, and I take anti-depressants too. The one thing that helps me, and the one thing I really should do more of, is exercise. It always helps lift a funk. :) Hope you feel better soon!

  6. I don't have SAD but am depressed at the moment, with a weight gain, a traumatic week with family, a situation I found my Hubby in, and the flu/sinus infection. I'm having a hard time pulling myself up.

    Maybe I'll try to get on the exercycle later. IF I can get out of bed without falling over.

    Vee at

  7. Thanks everybody for your advice. I'm going to talk to my doctor and see what she suggests is the best approach to make it through the winter months.

  8. I was never officially "diagnosed" with SAD either, but I knew exactly what was going on when I get gloomy and depressed in the wintertime. I take a vitamin D capsule (can't remember the dosage) and it helps so much! The difference for me is like night and day, pun intended. :)

  9. I'm going to talk to my doctor about Vitamin D, I've read alittle about it and it seems to help with SAD, thanks everyone
