Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm sick

Last night and today I have felt so bad and my eating really hasn't been good.  Yesterday I was really tired so I layed down and took a nap about 5 oclock.  I felt like I had been asleep forever when I woke up but it turned out to only be 8 at night.  When I got up to use the bathroom thats when it hit, I started throwing up.  I guess I had managed to get the same stomach virus my son had.  Luckily the vomiting didn't last long but I felt so sick all night long.  Right now my stomach just feels really bad and I don't feel like doing much.  It seems like I have been craving sugar because last night the only thing we had to drink in the house besides water was cherry koolaid so I had a couple glasses of that because I wanted something to sip on.  This morning for breakfast I had sugary cereal and then a couple of other sugar filled treats.  I'm not really hungry but what I have eaten wasn't the best choices I could have made.  I don't plan on exercising tonight because I just don't have the energy to.  Here is what I've eaten so far.

Breakfast- 1 1/2 cups froot loops
                  1 cup skim milk

Snack- 1 peanut butter bar

Lunch- 12 oz soda

Snack- 1 peppermint patty
             12 oz diet soda

Dinner- grilled chicken sandwich
            12 oz diet soda

I just hope my other two kids don't get this stomach virus, it really sucks.


  1. Here's hoping your stomach virus goes away soon; I know those are no fun :( Take care!

  2. Thanks Katie and Joy, I'm feeling alittle better right now, I think I just need a goodnights sleep.

  3. Ugh. Seems like everyone is getting those lately. Take care of yourself.

  4. Man, that stomach virus is going around. Feel better!

  5. I sure hope you feel better soon!

    ~South Beach Steve

  6. Is it possible to sense how lousy someone feels just by reading it? I feel so bad for you :( Hope you are feeling better by morning.

  7. Hope it's a short-lived bug. Feel better soon!

  8. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, praying that you get to feeling better soon!!

  9. Oh Christina, I hate that you are sick. Maybe it is a 24 hour bug and you will get all better soon! I also hope the little ones don't get it!

  10. Thanks everyone for all your kind words. I slept so good last night and I feel 100% better this morning.
