Monday, August 30, 2010

Friend Makin Mondays

I found this on another bloggers site and thought it would be a fun way to let people get to know something about me and maybe find out about some of the people who read my blog.

I like...taking photographs.

I don't like...people who think they are better than other people.

I kids and my husband.

I dream of...losing weight, finishing school, finding a job, buying a house and finally feeling like I have accomplished something in my life.

I wonder...what my future holds.

I know...I can succeed at anything I put my mind to.

I went...back to school this year and I'm loving it.

I have...3 kids, 1 dog, 1 cat and 1 guinea pig.

I think...starting this blog was exactly what I needed to get me motivated to lose weight.

I plan...out every second of my day.

I regret...some of the choices I have made in my life.

I do...obsess about things.

I drink...water and skim milk.

I wish...I could give my kids a bigger place to live in with their own rooms.

I am....a good person with a big heart.

I am not...selfish.

I know I'm loved.

I graduated...from cosmetology school.

I hope...I can give my family a better life soon.

I travel the world.

I sometimes...wish I could be a teenager again and make different choices.

I always...take care of the people I love.

I can...cook very good according to my husband.

I home taking care of my family.

I skate.

I avoid...public speaking.

I will...make all my dreams come true.
 If you will just copy and paste this list to your blog and fill in your own answers we can learn alittle more about each other.

The original post can be found here


  1. Hi FMM!!! Your post struck my heart, you seemed to be focused on wanting what's best for your family and trying to make things better... I bet they already feel they are blessed by you! It's not the things in life that matters much, but the people and you seem to have a good heart, take a deep breath and pat yourself on the back - you have accomplished something that many people can't - being a good mother and a true and present love for your family :)
    God Bless!!

  2. Good luck on your weight loss is such a roller coaster!

  3. I love this - it's all so positive! :)

  4. Fellow planner of the day and obsesser right here!

  5. Thank you for all the nice comments.

    Laine I do have the tendency to put everyone and everything else before myself but thats what I like to do, make people happy. I am finally trying to do something for myself that is why I have went back to school and I'm losing weight, so I can be the best person I can be.

    Shortmama you are definitely right weight loss is like a roller coaster but boy do I enjoy the ride down.

    Chibi I try to be postive I've spent too many years being a negative person and its got me nowhere so now its time to make things happen.

    Stacie welcome, nice to meet a fellow planner of the day and obsesser, but hey it helps me get things done.
