Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hot 100 Challenge Goals Update

Steve from is hosting the Hot 100 Challenge. The Hot 100 is a challenge focused on the last 100 days of 2010 beginning September 23, 2010. If you would like to join in on this challenge just visit the blog above before October 1, 2010 and sign up. You can also find all of the rules for participating in this challenge on his blog. One of the rules of participation is to set 3 realistic goals that you can try to accomplish before the New Year. Here are my goals:

#1....This was my own personal challenge anyway so I'm adding it as my first goal here.....walk 160 miles by New Years.

When this challenge started on September 23, 2010 I had already walked 17.8 miles of the 160 miles I needed to accomplish this goal by New Years.  In the last week I have completed another 10.2 miles so as of right now I only have 132 miles to go to make my goal.  I plan on walking at least 12 miles this next week so I know I can make this goal by New Years.

#2....Continue to eat healthy and exercise so I can lose 20 lbs by New Years.

Since I began this challenge last week I have lost 1.8 lbs and when I stepped on the scale this morning I was down another pound so I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to accomplish this goal in the next 13 weeks.

#3....Make it through the holiday season without falling back into old eating patterns.

The holiday season isn't here yet and its definitely going to be a challenge but I'm confident I can make it through without overeating.

So there you have it my update for the last week that wasn't so hard.  Only 13 more weeks in this challenge and remember if you want to join you need to visit Steve's blog by tomorrrow and sign up.  Good luck to everyone who is participating in this challenge. 

Update:  I  just visited Steve's blog and he only needs 7 more people to join to hit 100 participants so if any of you would like to join now is the time.  I would love to see him get 100 people in this challenge since it is called the Hot 100 Challenge.  Good luck to you all.


  1. You are doing great so far Christina! Hooray for a great week!

    I'll have an update post go up right after midnight tomorrow. Be sure to post a link there when you get a chance.

  2. You are doing SO great, Christina! Those are spectacular goals and I have no doubt you'll keep rocking this Challenge! :)

  3. Great progress on your goals!! You can do it!

  4. Thanks everybody for your support. These challenges really help to keep you motivated.

  5. Great start Christina! You're doing super at the walking.

  6. Thank you waisting time and anewertammy and I have to admit I'm really starting to enjoy my walks even if it is exercise.

  7. You are off to a wonderful start! Oh and by the way I am a walker too and I love it!

  8. LOVE how you're tracking your walking! Good for you! I need to kick it in gear with the exercise! Stay positive!

  9. Thanks Tami and Debbi.

    It is really motivational to set up a weekly or monthly or like I have a end of the year goal and try to accomplish it. I'm definitely going to hit my 160 miles walked by New Years if not even more than that and then I will set a new goal. Good luck to both of you on your weight loss.

  10. Doing well so far.

    Agreed...holidays are the hardest to stay on track.

  11. Fellow "Hottie" stopping by to cheer you on! You are doing great!

  12. Great goals and sounds like your doing great with them.... keep it up

  13. Thanks hotmess, Trish and Ron, I can use all the cheering on I can get.
