Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Warning: Female Subject

As you all know this was suppose to be a big week for me.  I'm completing two challenges and meeting alot of goals this week.  One of those goals was to try to lose 3 lbs.  Well guess who decided to visit this week, yep thats right Aunt Flo.  Sunday morning I weighed in at my lowest so far 224.6 lbs so I was pretty confident I was going to hit my 3 lb goal.  Yesterday morning I weighed in at 226 lbs and to my shock this morning I weighed in at 227.2 lbs.  Now I know this is only because its my TOM but is there anything I can do to counteract this?  Would drinking more water help?  Would exercising more help?  I only have 5 days to drop 4.6 lbs.  This is day 3 of my TOM so I'm hoping by Sunday that it will be over with but does that mean the weight will go with it?  Any advice would be appreciated.


  1. I have a suggestion...low-carb. I once lost 17 pounds of water in 3 days. Good luck!

  2. Drink lots of water and stay away from high sodium, salty foods.

  3. The same thing happens to me too. This next time I am going to be very careful what I eat and drink lots of water. I hope it works. Luckily, I always get right back to where I was when it is over. I try not to weigh in at all during that time.

  4. water water water and limit your salt! :)

  5. Ugh I’m on the same boat right now and we’re pretty much at the same weight too!
    I’ve also noticed that I tend to gain about 3-4 lbs during my TOM, so I’m pretty sure you will see a difference come Sunday, if you keep at it, hopefully you’ll loose that water weight that comes Aunt Flo and then what you should be losing this week anyway. I’m rooting for you!!! Good luck

  6. I would drink LOTS of water and add lemon so you can flush it out and not hold onto it. Also, eat NO salt. Good luck!

    - Lisa

  7. Thanks to everyone for your comments. I'll be sure to drink plenty of water and stay away from the sodium.

  8. What everyone else is saying.

    I never weight myself around that time of the month because I don't feel like it's accurate. I've lost 3 pounds in a couple of days going from being TOM to not.

  9. Definitely lots of water!! I left something for you at my blog :)

  10. That's something I've yet to figure out and I drink water all the time.
